Friday, October 15, 2010

Difference between Workplace and Workplace XT?

Workplace XT comes with FileNet P8 4.0 onwards by default while workplace comes with FNet 3.5

Workplace XT is faster, user friendly and has features like drag and drop to add documents.

IBM launched Workplace XT to compete with documentum and Alfresco, who has similar web interfaces.

While most of the functionalities of Workplace XT are similar to the Workplace, it cannot be considered as product upgrade as Workplace XT is built using Java Server Faces (JSF) technology.

Workplace XT has better folder structure and nicer way to organize favorites.

Workplace XT does not provide a development environment for customization; however, Workplace continues to provide the Workplace Application Toolkit and related development tools for Workplace customization.

What is BPF?

FileNet BPF provides a configurable framework for rapid development of BPM application.
BPF Web Application, an Ajax based application provides a user friendly interface to the business users.

Along with the pre defined screens and functionality, FileNet BPF provides a framework to develop and customize the application to meet business requirement.

FileNet BPF has two components:

1. BPF Web Application: Deployed on a J2EE server, the BPF Web Application is an out-of-the-box, customizable, and configurable portal for BPM applications, and a UI container with relevant components for BPF applications.
2. BPF Explorer: BPF Explorer is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC)-based tool for defining and configuring BPF applications.

FileNet RM (Record Manager) related informations

* A document is a file which you'll create/save/retrieve/update. Also you can replac the previous version with new updated version.

* A record is a reference to information and provides metadata to manage the information. Records can electronic or physical (i.e. a document stored in CE or a physical book).

* A document which is added to an IBM FileNet P8 content repository, but it is not yet declared as a record is called as ‘document’, not a record. As soon as the document is declared as a record, we consider the document a record.

* Document objects are stored in the Records-enabled content Object Store (ROS) and the corresponding record objects are stored in the File Plan Object Store (FPOS).

* There is no limit on number of document stored on Records Category. The 'Record' is simply a custom object stored in database.

* A record is a reference to information and provides metadata to manage the information. Records can electronic or physical (i.e. a document stored in CE or a physical book).

* An electronic record points to an electronic document, such as a Content Engine (CE) document or an email message.

* A physical record, sometimes referred to as a marker, is metadata about a physical document or other object, such as paper records, tape, or microfilm.

client side validation in BPF

Use EventHandler.js for client side validation.

file is available in the BPF war file and here is the sample code:

Suppose we need to put validation for employee salary

Step 1: make a eventHandler and call oneBeforeAction on that handler

Step 2: eventHandlers.onBeforeAction = function(resName, resId)
if (currentCase != null )
var employeeSalary=0;
employeeSalary = parseInt(Salary.value);
if(employeeSalary < 10000)
alert("Salary too less !");
return false;
return true;