Monday, June 14, 2010

What is ISRA (Image Services Resource Adaptor)?

The Image Services Resource Adaptor (ISRA) is a set of Java classes for interacting with IBM FileNet
Image Services. These classes conform to the J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA). Using this
programmatic interface, you can connect to an Image Services repository. You can then query for and
retrieve documents from the Image Services repository, as well as create documents to be stored in the

P8 Core Components

FileNet P8 core components: 1. Content Engine (CE) 2. Application Engine (AE) and 3. Process Engine (PE)

Content Engine
Content Engine is designed to handle the heavy demands of a large enterprise. It is capable of managing enterprise-wide workflow objects, custom objects, and documents by offering powerful and easy-to-use administration tools. Using these tools, an administrator can create and manage the classes, properties, storage, and metadata that form the foundation of an Enterprise Content Management system.

Key architectural aspects include: Object-oriented, extensible metadata model – Enables Content Engine to provide complex and
flexible data representation; and a rich event framework provides the means to trigger an action in
response to activities performed against Content Engine objects.
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) – Provide an extensible platform for development
and cross-repository queries, and lets administrators configure systems programmatically. A Java
API provides a rich set of Java classes which map to object store objects, such as Document,
Folder, or Property Description; a Web Service API allows customers to author applications in a
platform and language independent manner by exposing the object model in a small number of
generic methods suitable for deployment in a Web environment; a .NET API (which is functionally
equivalent to the Java API) provides for development of applications using the .NET platform.
J2EE-compliant application server – Offers reliability, scalability, and high availability features, as well as support for a wide range of operating system platforms, application servers, and
database technologies.
Scalable – Can be deployed to suit the demands of the enterprise. As the enterprise's needs
change, you can reconfigure the system by replacing, adding, or removing servers or applications
without bringing the system down. You can add members to Web server farms and Content Engine
server farms at any time.
Unicode-based – Unicode is a universal character encoding standard that enables Content Engine
to be targeted to multiple platforms, languages, and countries without re-engineering, and it allows
data to be transported through many different systems without corruption.

Process EngineProcess Engine provides software services for managing all aspects of business processes (also called workflows), such as process execution, process routing, rules management, process simulation and modeling, and workflow analysis. Process Engine components allow you to create, modify, and manage workflows implemented by applications, enterprise users, or external users (such as partners and customers).

The preceding diagram includes the following services and management components:
• Process Service – The core of the business process management system. It provides workflow
services on behalf of Process Engine.
• E-mail Notification – Enables automatic transmission of e-mail to users when specified processrelated events occur; e-mail notification can also be used to track workflows.
• Rules Connectivity Framework – Provides a framework for rules integration. A process designer or
business analyst creates business rules using rules software acquired from another vendor and
associates the rules with the steps of a workflow. When a running workflow encounters a rule, Process
Engine sends a request to the Rules Listener to execute a rule set. Rules Listener executes the rules
in the rule set and returns the results to Process Engine. The rules engine provider must implement a
specific API in order to integrate with Process Engine.
• Process Task Manager – Provides administrative tools for configuring and managing process-related
services on the Process Engine server.
• Process Analyzer – Provides analysis capabilities to determine cycle times, find bottlenecks, and
generate reports and charts to analyze the processes deployed in the Process Engine system.
• Process Simulator – Allows you to simulate processes or perform “what-if” scenarios with
hypothetical or historical data.
Workflow database – Contains Process Engine configuration information as well as running
instances of workflows.
• Component Integrator – Provides an extensible integration framework that allows you to easily
create connectors. Java and JMS adaptors are ready for you to use without modification.
• Process Web Services – Provides a Web services API to Process Engine.
• Workflow auto-launch – Event-driven component that launches workflows in the Process Engine
system. You can configure this component to launch a specific workflow in response to specific
events. For example, filing a document in a folder might launch a review process in the Process
Engine system.
• Directory Services – Directory service functionality is accessed through the Content Engine server.
Content Engine supports several LDAP providers and single-sign-on (SSO) functionality. This passthrough approach simplifies directory services configuration by centralizing it for both Content Engine and Process Engine.

Application EngineApplication Engine is the FileNet P8 component that hosts the Workplace Web application, Workplace java applets, and application development tools. It is the presentation layer for both process and content. Application Engine protects user credentials passed between Workplace and Content Engine and, if configured, provides SSL security.

The services and applications included in Application Engine are:
• Workplace – An end-user Web application that provides access to the document management
capabilities and is tightly integrated with the business process management capabilities of FileNet P8.Workplace also supports extended FileNet P8 capabilities such as forms management, records
management, and portals.

Workplace XTWorkplace XT is an optional FileNet P8 component (similar to Application Engine) that hosts the Workplace XT Web application, providing access to the process and content functionality of FileNet P8. You can install Workplace XT in addition to or in place of Application Engine. Workplace XT protects user credentials passed between Workplace XT and Content Engine and, if configured, provides SSL security.

Rendition EngineRendition Engine converts documents from a variety of formats, such as those produced by Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) to PDF and HTML formats. Multiple Rendition Engines can be configured to support large numbers of conversion requests.

An application requests that a document be published by submitting a publish request through one of the FileNet P8 APIs. A publish request might simply create a copy of the document in a new folder, with new security attributes, or it might also transform the document content to another format (HTML or PDF). The publish request is queued in the Content Engine server. The publishing background task dequeues the publish request and calls the appropriate publishing event handler. If a format conversion is a part of the publish request, then the handler sends the document to the Rendition Engine server to perform the necessary transformation.

What is FEM (FileNet Enterprise Manager)?

Enterprise Manager is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) based tool that administrators use to
manage Content Engine. Enterprise Manager provides a graphical, wizard-based user interface to perform
the following tasks:
• Create and manage object stores and file stores
• Create and manage classes and properties
• Create and manage security policies and default security for object authorization
• Create and manage lifecycle policies
• Create and manage event subscriptions
• Import and export objects and metadata definitions as XML
• Search and perform bulk updates on search results
• Configure XML classification
• Perform document management tasks (for example, checkin and checkout)
• Configure trace logging

What is eForms Designer?

FileNet eForms Designer is a powerful forms design application that runs on the client desktop. You
can use it to:
• Create any form.
• Add intelligence such as automatic calculations, data validations, and formatters to the form template to
assist users while they are using the forms and help to prevent data entry errors.
• Configure connectivity with external data sources to enable data lookups that reduce user data entry.
You can use the integration features to easily manage form templates in eForms Designer, such as
conveniently checking form templates in and out and adding form templates to an object store. Integration also provides centralized content management, version control, and security for your form template.

What is eForms management?

FileNet P8 eForms allows customers to create and manage online forms in a Web browser that can
appear the same as hard copy paper forms, yet are more advanced, easier to use, and less costly to
implement. Online forms created using eForms Designer can reduce data entry time, improve data
accuracy, and are the first step in streamlining and accelerating transaction processing.
eForms provides the ability to process electronic forms as stand-alone documents or to use an electronic form as the user interface for business process workflow. eForms allows creation of high-fidelity, highly intelligent electronic forms without custom programming.
eForms provides the following features and benefits that are ready for you to use without modification.

Forms as a type of document:
• Can be filled out, saved, and stored using Workplace.
• Are tightly integrated with other FileNet P8 features such as document classes and entry templates.
• Use document property mapping to automatically populate form data document metadata with
values from the form when the form is saved.
• Incorporate digital signatures.
Forms to process workflows:
• Include all of the features of document forms and allow tight integration with Process Engine and
• Automatically map values in the form to workflow data fields for use in process decisions.
• Map values from workflow data fields to form fields to pre-fill the form with process-specific data.
• Act as the user interface to workflow steps:
• Features such as data checking and error messages make the workflow process easy to manage
for the user and minimize data entry errors.
• Fields on the form can be linked to workflow data fields without having to write HTML code and
• Page display can be controlled at each workflow step.

Form Policy WizardA form policy is an object store document that describes how a particular form is to be used. There are two types of form policies: one for document forms and one for workflow forms. It is the form policy document that a user clicks when he wants to create a new form.

The form policy wizard is a point-and-click interface within Workplace that allows you to create form policy documents. This interface requires no coding and allows you to specify many form behaviors including:
• Which form template to display.
• The Entry Template used to store the form data in the object store.
• The mapping of form data to document properties.
• Simple customization of the form window’s interface to add HTML banners and sidebars.
In addition, for workflow policies you can specify:
• Whether the form is the primary content of a step, displayed directly in the step processor user
• Which pages of the form are to be displayed at a particular step.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

What is Versioning?

You can create different versions of content to maintain a history of changes and to control which users can change the content at a given time. The set of versions for a single document is called a version series.
Content Engine supports a two-level versioning scheme, in which a document version is either a major or minor version. Minor versions typically denote an “in-progress” document, whereas a major version typically denotes a completed document. In addition to version numbers, the system maintains a state property indicating the current state of each version of the document, as follows:
• In Process – A work in progress version. Only one version of a version series can be in this state.
• Reservation – A document currently checked out for modification. Only the latest version of a version series can be in this state.
• Released – A document released as a major version. Only one major version of a version series can
be in this state.
• Superseded – A version superseded by another version. Many versions in the version series can be

What is Search?

Content Engine supports property and content-based searching. Key capabilities of search include the
• A single search can span multiple object stores in different databases.
• Workplace users can search for documents, folders, and custom objects. Searches can be designed to
specify multiple folders, including a common folder name used in multiple object stores.
• Content-based searching using IBM FileNet P8 Content Search Engine supports extensive content
search capabilities that account for misspelled words, typographical errors, phonetic searching, word
stem searching, synonym expansion, and wildcard searching.
• Content searches return matches on properties and content.
Search results can optionally be displayed in a “document summary” format, which includes a brief text summary extracted from result documents.
• Search results can be ranked by relevancy.
• Searching makes use of the Autonomy multilingual features.
• Bulk operations can be performed on search results in Enterprise Manager, where the operations can
be scripted, or selected from a set of predefined operations such as delete, cancel checkout, file, unfile, and change security.
• Searches can be created and stored for easy execution of common queries.
• Search templates provide a simple user interface for entering search criteria.
• Shortcuts to searches can be saved so it is easy to find them later.
• Searches can be expanded to retrieve documents, folders, and custom objects in the same search

what is Life Cycles?

Administrators can use document lifecycles to define a sequential set of states that a document will go through over its lifetime, as well as the actions that are triggered when it transitions from one state to another. A user or application can “promote” or “demote” an object to move it forward and backward in its lifecycle.

Life Cycle Actions are promote or Demote. And life cycle states are 1. Draft 2. Review 3. Publish and 4. Close

What is Event and Subscription?

Events provide a mechanism for initiating actions that are invoked when objects are created and modified in, and deleted from, an object store. For example, creating a document in an object store triggers a create event, which launches a workflow that approves the new document and posts the approved content to a Web site.

A subscription is the association of a particular event trigger with an event action. In the previous example, create is the event trigger and the event action is the workflow launch. Many different subscriptions might be associated with a particular event trigger. The following diagram illustrates how several events might be triggered when a new loan application document is created in an object store.

What is Properties ?

Content Engine object properties can be used to reference objects that reside in any object stores within the same FileNet P8 domain.
Properties have a type, which can be Binary, Boolean, String, DateTime, Integer, Float, ID, and Object.
Object-valued properties are useful for defining relationships between objects. The Customer property
shown in the loan example in the previous section illustrates how both the Loan and the Loan Application can point to the same Customer object. The properties that are associated with objects can have a single value or multiple values. For example, you might define a multi-valued property named Telephone Numbers in which multiple telephone numbers, such as home and cell phone numbers, are stored. You can then search for objects by creating a search expression that searches for more than one value for the same property.
Properties can also be configured to have default values that are set when a new object is created. In
addition, the system can be configured to restrict the values for the property to a choice list. A choice list is a list of possible values that the user can select from when assigning a value to the property.

What is CustomeObject?

A custom object is used to store and manage data that does not have content (and thus
doesn’t support versioning) or a lifecycle. For example, a customer might be represented in the object store
as a custom object because there is no requirement for content. Custom objects:
• Have system properties that the system manages automatically, such as Date Created.
• Can have custom properties for storing business-related metadata.
• Are secured.
• Can participate in business processes as workflow attachments.
• Can generate server events when they are created, modified, or deleted. These events are then used
to customize behavior.

What is Annotation?

An annotation object, illustrated at right, represents
incidental information that can be attached to an object for the
purpose of annotating or footnoting that object. You can associate
annotations with custom objects, documents, and folders.
• Are independently securable. Default security is provided by
the class and by the annotated object. An annotation can
optionally have a security policy assigned to it.
• Can have subclasses.
• Can have zero or more associated content elements, and the
content need not have the same format as its annotated
• Are uniquely associated with a single document version, and
thus are not versioned when a document version is updated.
• Can be modified and deleted independently of the annotated object.
• Can be searched for and retrieved with an ad hoc query.
• Can subscribe to server-side events that fire when an action (such as creating an annotation) occurs.
• Can participate in a link relationship.
• Can be audited.

What is Folder?

A folder is a container that is used to group other objects. Folders are the primary mechanism
through which users access documents. Users typically think of folders as a place where documents are
stored;, however, filing documents in multiple folders does not create extra copies of those documents, but
rather creates a logical association between the folder and the document. Folders:
• Have system properties that the system manages automatically, such as Date Created.
• Can have custom properties for storing business-related metadata.
• Are secured.
• Are hierarchical, in the sense that a folder can have subfolders.
• Can contain documents and custom objects.
• Can generate server events when they are created, modified, or deleted. These events are then used
to customize behavior.
• Can be annotated.

What is document?

Most users think of a document as a file they create with an application such as Word. The
user stores the document in the document management system so that a history of changes to the
document is maintained and the document can be easily found and edited. Users who design enterprise
content management applications and those who manage them will need to understand how documents
can be leveraged to support a variety of application needs. A document might be used to maintain a
traditional electronic file as well as other types of data, such as an XML document or content that is
managed in an external repository. Documents:
• Have system properties that the system manages automatically, such as Date Created.
• Can have custom properties for storing business-related metadata about the document.
• Are secured.
• Can have content that can be indexed for searching.
• Can point to content that is outside of the object store (external content).
Can have no content (metadata only).
• Can be versioned to maintain a history of the content over time.
• Can be filed in folders.
• Can have a lifecycle.
• Can participate in business processes as workflow attachments.
• Can generate server events when they are created, modified, or deleted. These events are then used
to customize behavior.
• Can be rendered to different formats, such as PDF and HTML.
• Can be published to a Web site.
• Can be annotated.
• Can be audited.

What is Filenet P8?

The FileNet P8 family of products includes back-end services, development tools, and applications that
address enterprise content and process management requirements. This section presents information
about features and product capabilities. The Architecture section includes an architectural overview of the FileNet P8 platform components.