* Annottaion can be added to Documents, Custom Objects and Folder
Return the value of head property
Retreive the annotation of a particular document
Promote document from "In Progress" to "Completed"
Retreive Child Documents from a Compound Documents
* To implement Java Event Handler, first implement the EventActionHandler interface and onEvent(...)
* To determine ACE (Access Control Entry), on a folder has allow/deny access::: accessPermission.get_AccessType()
* Auditing for CE Objects can be done using by either CE Java APIs or FEM (FileNet Enterprise Manager)
* Publishing mechanism create a new document object. Any changes made to original document, after initial publication will not be reflected in published document.
* Document.getContentElements() to retreive content elements associated with document.
Retreive choice List associated with a document Class
Create an instance of custom object
* Factory class provide type-specific static inner classes for creating instances of CE classes.
Retreive the audi history for deleted objects in CE
Call searchScope.fetchObjects(...). The SearchSQL object that is passed in must have an SQL statement to query the DeletionEvents.
* folder.getContainees() retreives the collection of Document and CustomObject objects filed in a folder.
* SearchScope object determines which ned to be searched
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Very Useful Code Related Informations for Process Engine
How to Ends a PE Session and free all resources:
Method to retreive Event Logs
Fetch name of all workflows within a Isolated Region
String names[] = vwSession.fetchWorkClassNames(true);
Retreive a VWWorkFlowMileStones Collection
How to write User Response to VWStepElements
Retreive available response from VWStepElements
Which VWStepElement methos will unloack a work item w/o updating it's fields
How to Retreive launch step info of a specified workflow?
vwSession.createWorkflow("Name of the workflow");
Steps to return VWRosterQuery object
S1: Create a VWSession object and log on
S2: Retreive the required VWRoster object from Session
S3: Perform a query from retreived VWRoster object
Retreive current user Info
doDispatch() is the method of VWStepElement which save changes to work object and advances it to next workflow object
To use PE java component, ur java class shld contain public methods and class must have a constructor with no parameter
How to logon to PE and make connection
testPESession = new VWSession (user name, password, connectionPointName);
VWWorkObject provides access to all of the fields of work item
doReassign(user id, false, null) of VWStepElement will moves a work item to another user Inbox
The only Exception thrown by P8 Process Java ApI methos is VWException object
Method to retreive Event Logs
Fetch name of all workflows within a Isolated Region
String names[] = vwSession.fetchWorkClassNames(true);
Retreive a VWWorkFlowMileStones Collection
How to write User Response to VWStepElements
Retreive available response from VWStepElements
Which VWStepElement methos will unloack a work item w/o updating it's fields
How to Retreive launch step info of a specified workflow?
vwSession.createWorkflow("Name of the workflow");
Steps to return VWRosterQuery object
S1: Create a VWSession object and log on
S2: Retreive the required VWRoster object from Session
S3: Perform a query from retreived VWRoster object
Retreive current user Info
doDispatch() is the method of VWStepElement which save changes to work object and advances it to next workflow object
To use PE java component, ur java class shld contain public methods and class must have a constructor with no parameter
How to logon to PE and make connection
testPESession = new VWSession (user name, password, connectionPointName);
VWWorkObject provides access to all of the fields of work item
doReassign(user id, false, null) of VWStepElement will moves a work item to another user Inbox
The only Exception thrown by P8 Process Java ApI methos is VWException object
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